Photos Used for Estimating Cost of Tub to Walk-In Shower Conversion
Occasionally we will ask that you send us photos of your tub for an estimate. Here are some things we'd like to see.
Tub Full Frontal View
Full-frontal view - provides a view of the bath-room layout. The raised embossing on the front tub panel indicates that this tub is steel.
Tub Rail Birds-Eye View
Tub railbirds-eye view - the 12" floor tile indicates that there is sufficient room for cutting. While the $5 bill is helpful in determining the rail thickness, a credit card would have been even better.
Tub Rail Birds-Eye View
Tub rail birds-eye view – the 4+ inches between the toilet and tub is not enough room for cutting either a steel or cast-iron tub; however, it may be enough for a fiberglass cut. For situations such as this, including a yardstick in your photo would be most helpful.